I made My iPhone USB Type-C / Bye Bye Lightning⚡

Stop fine I will certainly do it myself To understand the billing procedure initially I took a lightning port and suffice and attach its unfavorable and positive terminal straight with the 5 volt power supply like you guys I was additionally assuming the phone will start charging but it didn'' t so I did some research study and located Apple requires some special voltages on its information pin so I signed up with both data source with each other and included 2 resistors with the positive and adverse incurable and after that the phone begins billing however the problem is just how much present we Supply it draws.
a maximum of 2.4 amps which is approximately 12 watt yet according to the specifications this phone supports fast billing of even more than 20 watts however, for that we have to have to make use of apple licensed cord but why to get that response I disrobed the initial lightning cable to check the within and remarkably I located a tiny motherboard inside the lightning port and after some study I located this ship is called c91 which interacts with phone and permitted to accept fast charging.
so to make my apple iphone type c and quick billing sustained the concept is to remove the charging board and remove the lightning Port connect the c91 board and then include USB type-c at the end of it and it will certainly be done however as it is my new phone and I'' m not specialist to open up such gadget so I was quite nervous however, for the purpose of experiment let'' s do it it was at this moment that he understood he [__ ] up Is the screen broke guys might be accidently i just cracked the screen Turn it on it really provided me small cardiovascular disease individuals say thanks to God okay let'' s proceed after detaching the screen from the motherboard I began to find the wonderful area for c91 board to fit in my plan is to place the c91 watercraft as close to the lightning port as feasible yet Apple attempted to use nearly all the rooms as they can yet you might still discover numerous empty spaces however this space is lead space due to the fact that this is where the display screens will certainly rest you might discover lot of room around the battery but this area is booked in case the battery expands in future due to degradation likewise the c91 boat is bit tall placing it in this position will certainly block the display screen after looking a lot I discovered a location where it might be healthy yet it'' s fairly demanding to connect its one side with lightning port and an additional side with USBC so I made a decision to go with an additional plan Fallback where I would utilize all the components of c91 board with USB type-c to make a solitary PCB to make sure that there will certainly there will be no problem of connection so without throwing away whenever I started to finding this IC and its datasheet online and think what there was not a single datasheet on the net to understand the ic after that I thought to turn around engineer however Apple utilized some special adhesive to fix the IC and other parts so it is nearly difficult to eliminate them without damaging that'' s why Plan B is not feasible so I had nothing else option yet to go back to the very first plan to make two separate flexible pcbs but later on I chose to make every little thing in a solitary versatile PCB as flexible pcbs are quite costly after that I caught a photo and took that picture in Photoshop and set it according to the size of the phone and remain to draw describes as the PCB would be like after making a rough illustration I published it out then I reduced the layout along the lines and put it on the phone it didn'' t fit well so I kept modifying it again when this component of the layout looks satisfying I separated the billing boot from the phone and after that get rid of the lightning port with hot air gun then I began browsing the type C adapter bearing in mind that it needs to be comparable in dimension as compared to the lightning connector after a great deal of searching I found the best USBC for iPhone as it has comparable kind of installing flange so it can be installed straight at the lightning port'' s placing factor and it'' s water-proof too so I customized the versatile PCB illustration little bit according to the connector and after printing it out I inspected whatever once more USB c will sit at the bottom of this layer which will be bended like this and one more side of the PCB will certainly pass from right here and will be gotten in touch with.
c91 boots one side and an additional side from here it is an intricate design however every little thing looks fine so I exported this layer and drag it into Altium developer to develop the PCB according to the design Altium is a sector basic PCB developing software where you can design any sort of PCB you can also share your style directly to your client making use of Altium 365 plugin if you wish to offer it a shot completely free then most likely to the web link in the video summary after ending up the PCB I checked the layout for the last time and every little thing looks best so I mosted likely to pcbway.com because they offer high quality adaptable pcbs at the cheapest price and after choosing all the parameters I put the.
order it will take few days to come to that time I started to study on any kind of possible ways to.
boost the charging speeds as USBC can supplying 5 amps of existing however sadly I didn'' t find much details on this subject within a few days I received a bundle from PCB method they uses numerous pcbs at the cost of one so I purchased as much as excellent I obtain for the same quantity if you sanctuary'' t attempted their computer yeat I very advise you to try at least your initial PCB after soldering I took the adaptable PCB and put it on the billing Flex and carefully position it over the lightning adapter then I added a bit amount of flux and soldered it after that I soldered both side of.
c91 board on my custom-made versatile PCB and now it'' s time to examination however prior to that I covered the metal part of the body to avoid short circuits then I connected the billing board screen and Battery to the motherboard after that I attach USB type-c cable and for additional safety measure I used a plastic sheet in between the display and body to stay clear of any call with the surface area and lastly I connected the battery charger yet the phone didn'' t start charging I also after reversing the cable television it didn'' t job after that I separated every little thing and utilizing a multimeter I started checking the continuity of connection factors as high as might I inspect and resoldered the rest even after doing every one of these the phone wasn'' t billing then I thought maybe I have harmed the c91 board while taking it out because the process was really complicated for the initial.
cord so I bought a couple of M5 accredited cords and after cutting one I found it is phony but Amazon fundamental wires are trustworthy so I reduced one and after spending numerous hours I effectively extracted the c94 board but while desoldering the charging board CC pad came off my whole day obtained west ed the following day I tried one more Amazon Basics.
cord with slightly lower temperature level but the very same point occurred once more I immediately went to a shop and acquired an initial Apple cord and after squandering one more day finally lastly the c91 board has brought back with no damage and after affixing every little thing once more the phone.
lastly started billing I was incredibly happy Oooo Yeahhh! Yeaa! yet the happiness didn'' t last long due to the fact that my phone was billing yet at a slow rate only at 5 volt not switching to 9 volt quick billing I spent days to figure it out attempted various other cables he soldered multiple boards but absolutely nothing worked then I dived much deeper into fast charging and found the problem this is the standard colour code for USB which I complied with while making the PCB however Apple makes use of a various colour code for data wires which suggests I have to flip those data pins however soldering added cord with flexible PCB is not a good service but restoring and getting a brand-new PCB will not just take a massive time but likewise need some extra cash so I meticulously scraped the solder mask out and after damaging the course I flipped the connection and added solder mask on it it became like brand-new one and after attaching every little thing once again fast billing functioned also data transfer worked perfectly every little thing is solved but only one point is left I need to increase the size of the billing hole because USBC is bit thick now it fits completely individuals lastly after functioning many months lastly I can use USB type c on my iPhone and now is additionally charges at 26 watt with higher wattage power brick it'' s a massive success men I understand every one of you have been waiting on a long period of time for a brand-new video clip and people I promise the following video will certainly be soon till after that bye byee.

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